HD700 Mod Kit


HD700 Mod Kit


Our HD700 mod kit is a simple, non-destructive, and fully-reversible way to improve the tonal balance of your HD700.

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This mod is a quick and easy way to improve on one of the most common complaints about the Sennheiser HD700 - the 6Khz peak.  This mod will effectively lower the peak by a few db, as well as some frequencies below 3khz - improving the tonal balance without using an equalizer.

The mod is made with an automated cutting machine and consists of two parts - a felt ring that goes around the driver (similar to the famous Anax mod for HD800) - and a 3-layer ring that tucks under the stock pads to fill out most of the space between the bottom of the pad and the inside of the cup.  The pad ring can go in between the dust cover and stock pads - or under the dust cover.  An install demo video will come soon.

Note: in the measurements picture red is stock and blue is modified.  Also, using the dust cover is recommended - the picture without the dust cover is for demonstration purposes only.  While the mod is safe and easily reversible, please use caution around the driver as we are not responsible for any damage that may occur while installing the mod.

Special thanks to Covertash for the original request and inspiration, as well as Anax and Takato for their earlier work on HD800 and HD700 modding.